Immediately after arrival we proceeded to the Conference registration, where they already had my name and the

The afternoon went on, I found a few of my friends that I used to work with/for at the University of Illinois. I invited them to my talk, though also admitted to them I was quite nervous because green energy is a hot topic right now, so I can foresee a lot of people attending it. Anyway, some of us decided to ditch the plenary session and go grab some food and drinks. We ended up at a sushi restaurant across the street, sat on the floor, ate some sushi, drank some beer, it was a lot of fun!
After dinner we decided to head to he corporate exhibit where corporations strut their stuff by showing all the latest technology/products. There was free beer and wine at the exhibit, one of the main reasons we were so inclined to attend. I grabbed a beer and started walking around. At some point I start talking to a French man from a certain semiconductor company I will not mention. I thought we were having what I would call a competent discussion on his flyback converter controller chip, that in this case was being used to drive the circuit of an LED lamp. He asks me where I am from, and I say Venezuela, I ask him where he is from he says France. He also introduces me to his other French colleague standing nearby and all of a sudden says "Are you over 21?" I looked at him, a bit offended and said "Yes, of course I am over 21, I am in gradschool, why do you ask?" he says "well, I just see you with this beer..." Now don't get me wrong, everybody was walking around with a beer, and mine was mostly full!! His other French colleague steps in and says "please don't mind him, it's a little French humor" and proceeded to ask me some off the topic question about my work, I politely answered it and then I said "right, well it was nice to meet you both, thank you for sharing with me about your chip" I shook their hands and left.
What... the... f*ck? This would NEVER, EVER, happen to a man no matter how young he looked like. This is the kind of attitudes that make me want to strangle people!!!
I went back to my friends and told them about it, they said the French man was a douche and suggested I forget the whole ordeal. Then they started a joke out of it, which made me laugh, bless their souls for making me laugh. Now every time someone does something seemingly dumb we ask "Are you over 21?"
I just came back from a game of darts at an Irish Pub and even though I already let it go, it still makes me kind of uneasy to know that I will always encounter this sort of disrespectful sexist attitudes in my workplace. I honestly don't know how to interact with these people and would love to hear some suggestions. I don't need you to agree or disagree with me, I just want to know what you would do.
Currently feeling: frustrated, still a bit angry, or maybe just annoyed
Currently listening to: "All Alright" by Sigur Ros
The money clip should at least have been available in other colors (like pink or teal!)
Not sure that was sexist. I think you got upset over nothing. But I wasn't there so there, so your description could have left something out.
In any case I wouldn't let it bother you. Also, sushi, yum!
The money clip was definitely a sexist gift. The other dude, well, maybe he was just a condescending prick, but lets just say I don't think that would happen to you in a million years. Specially in a professional setting, with someone you just met.
And ignoring it is not the right attitude because it simply perpetuates the problem.
At the conference I realized that in school I have it really good. But I live in a bubble because the real world is different, female to male ratio was something like 60 or more men to a single woman. Anyway, this discussion should continue, but not on a comment page I guess. Call me sometime.
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